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Collect Any Kind of Data

Start collecting high-quality data today, with Collect — an easy-to-use mobile data collection app built to work anywhere, even without internet.

Data collection made easy
in 3 simple steps


Collect high-quality data with
these powerful features

Image Capture

Set benchmarks for the photos' quality. Use the phone camera or gallery.

Multilingual Forms

Create your consumer survey in multiple local languages.

Audio and Video

Capture rich media data for qualitative analysis and deeper insights.

GPS Locations

Capture location coordinates via satellite even when offline.

Works Offline

Collect data even in remote areas without internet or mobile connectivity.

Team Management

Control access and manage field teams on the go for seamless deployments.

Validation Checks

Keep out bad data by setting rules for what data is and isn't allowed.

Skip Logic

Use conditionality or linked questions to make any form quicker and easier.